
LangAI セミナー #2 開催 「What was Watson? – the grand challenge in question answering, and its impact on the AI」Hiroshi Kanayama (金山 博) Ph.D. , IBM Research – Tokyo

Hiroshi Kanayama (金山 博) Ph.D. Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research – Tokyoをお招きして、セミナーを開催いたします。参加申し込みは、後日このページにて受付フォームを公開します。

Hiroshi Kanayama, Ph.D. Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research – Tokyo, will be invited to this seminar. Registration form will be available on this page at a later date.

開催日時/Date2024年10月10日 (木) 14:00-15:30
Oct. 10, 2024 (Thu) 14:00-15:30
講演題目/TitleWhat was Watson? – the grand challenge in question answering, and its impact on the AI
Hybrid (on-site + online Zoom)
東北大学 川内キャンパス マルチメディア教育研究棟(A05) 2F マルチメディアホール
対象者/Target AudienceAI技術に興味のある学内の研究者、学生、関係者
Researchers, students, and others in the Tohoku university who are interested in AI technology
*Online Zoom URL will be provided after registration.
*You can also register on-site on the day of the event.

Speaker :

Hiroshi Kanayama (金山 博) Ph.D. Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research – Tokyo


Dr. Hiroshi Kanayama is a Senior Technical Staff Member in IBM Research – Tokyo. He joined IBM just after receiving a master’s degree in 2000 and worked on natural language processing, mainly syntactic and semantic analysis. His research outcomes on syntactic  and semantic analysis components were integrated with software products, and they differentiated IBM’s text mining solutions. He joined the Watson project (Jeopardy! challenge) and provided lexical resources for type matching using information extraction techniques. In 2012 he received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo with his work on sentiment analysis.


What was Watson? – the grand challenge in question answering, and its impact on the AI


It was a historical event in 2011: IBM’s computer named Watson beat the human champions on Jeopardy! quiz show. After then many people tackled new tasks in the field and new technologies such as word embeddings and Transformers emerged, and they led to the current large language models. This talk covers our efforts in the challenge and its impact to the research field, and the current issues in the development of LLMs.
